


Say goodbye to double bookings and create a seamless dining experience for your members. With Dining Reservations, manage dining operations accurately, from reservation to payment.

User-Friendly Reservation Management

Give your members the option to easily manage their bookings and receive booking notifications automatically.

  • Members can easily search for dining availability online by specifying the date and time, the size of their party, and their preferred dining venue to
  • Members will receive an email confirmation once they complete a reservation to have a reminder of their event
  • Members can view the details of their bookings online and cancel them if needed
No More Double Bookings

Book, revise, and cancel reservations from multiple workstations without worrying about double bookings and mistakes, thanks to the deep integration with Jonas Club Software systems.

Tailored to Your Needs

Customize dining reservations to accommodate your clubs specific needs.

  • Assign an expected turn rate for each table, ensuring you don’t over book at popular times
  • Set up a max cover count to avoid overwhelming your kitchen
  • Accept reservations for multiple dining venues at the same club